Forecast Origin Dates
Jan 2025Apr 2024Jan 2024Apr 2023Jan 2023Apr 2022Jan 2022Apr 2021Jan 2021Apr 2020Jan 2020Apr 2019Jan 2019Apr 2018Jan 2018Apr 2017Jan 2017Apr 2016Jan 2016Apr 2015Jan 2015Apr 2014Apr 2013Jan 2013
J-SCOPE forecast results for the simulation beginning in January of 2013 are shown in the right panels. Each panel represents a monthly average for the region. The regional climatology from Venegas et al, 2008 is provided on the left for reference, although it covers a slightly larger area than the modeled domain. The forecast projects that the Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) will be lower than the climatology for the region in January - February of 2013. The forecast projects that the SSTs will be equivalent to the climatology for the region in March - April of 2013. The forecast projects that the SSTs will be higher than the climatology for the region in May - August of 2013.