Forecast Origin Dates
The J-SCOPE forecast system for Washington and Oregon coastal waters presents preliminary results for the 2014 upwelling season. The system predicts the timing of the spring transition, the cumulative upwelling index, sea-surface temperature (SST), primary production, chlorophyll stock, dissolved oxygen, and sardine habitat. All of these fields are reported as monthly averaged anomalies from regional climatologies (Venegas et al, 2008; Pierce et al, 2012; Crawford and Pena, 2014). These predicted quantities are key indicators for the California Current IEA report.

The animation above shows the J-SCOPE forecast for 2014. More information about the three panels above can be found by navigating the Chlorophyll, SST, and Oxygen tabs above. The panel on the far right depicts the evolution of bottom water pH over the forecast period. The pH field is calculated using an empirical relationship established by Alin et al., in prep. This work is part of a collaboration between Samantha Siedlecki, J-SCOPE, and the Ocean Acidification group at NOAA PMEL. The 8-day upwelling index is calculated using the method described in Austin and Barth (2002) and can also be found under the California Current Indicators tab above.